
The name 'MuLan' is derived from a well-known Chinese tale. The protagonist of the tale is a strong and attractive woman named Hua Mulan. Since ancient times, women have been likened to flowers, as their lives are so brief and fragile, yet they bloom brilliantly and are scattered by the wind. However, in the natural world, flowers try their best to bloom magnificently, even for a brief period of time, despite challenging environments and cruel conditions. At times, I gain courage and inspiration by touching such brave figures. I approach flowers seriously, creating artwork while considering both the aesthetic appeal of flowers as well as the concept of brave women figures. It would give me the utmost joy if my artwork can inspire and impress those who appreciate it, leaving them with inspiration and profound impressions.

“木兰”这个名字来源于一个著名的中国故事。故事的主人公是一个坚强 迷人的女人,名叫花木兰。自古以来,女人都被比作花朵,生命短暂而 脆弱,却绽放得灿烂,又被风吹散。 然而,在自然界中,尽管环境充满 挑战,条件严酷,但花朵会竭尽全力绽放出灿烂的花朵,哪怕只是短暂 的绽放。 有时,我会通过触摸这些勇敢的人物而获得勇气和灵感。 我认 真对待花卉,在创作艺术品时同时考虑花卉的审美情趣和勇敢女性形象 的概念。 如果我的作品能够启发和打动欣赏它的人,给他们留下灵感和 深刻的印象,那将是我最大的快乐。
